Our Excel V aesthetic system targets and eliminates superficial and deep vascular concerns on the face and body. This includes angiomas, diffuse redness, facial, leg veins, derma port wine stains, rosacea, spider veins and Venus lakes..
Laser Treatments
Laser Genesis is a breakthrough laser treatment that stimulates the skin’s natural processes to reverse the signs of aging and sun damage and promote a vibrant, healthy looking complexion. Micro-pulses of laser energy activate collagen remodeling to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and target unwanted brown spots and facial redness. Although the individual treatment results are subtle, the overall effect of a treatment series can be quite dramatic. Enjoy a relaxing treatment, and return to normal activities immediately. Recommend 6 treatments to see best results!
Developed by the pioneers of laser hair removal technology in 2000, excel HR is the next generation premium laser hair removal technology for women and men of all skin types, even tanned skin patients, available all-year-round. excel HR’s signature truPulse technology delivers consistent and sustained energy in each and every pulse—efficiently reducing the number of treatments required. Permanent Hair Reduction usually requires a treatment session every every 6-12 weeks, 6-8 times. Occasionally additional treatments are needed. Pricing starts at $25 for small body areas.
Before your treatment:
- Hair should be cleanly shaven
Leave a representative sample unshaven for clinician to assess - Do not wear makeup on the treated area the day of treatment
- No sun-tanning or self-tanners 4 weeks prior to treatment
Includes spray tans, tanning lotions, tanning beds, sun exposure, etc. - Some medications or supplements may increase the risk bruising. Consult with your physician
- No waxing, plucking or tweezing at least 4 weeks prior to treatment
Some body parts may require a longer wait time - Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin for 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (depilatories, harsh chemicals, etc.)
- Notify clinic with any changes to your health history or medications since your last appointment
- History of herpes or cold sores may require an anti-viral prescription prior to treatment
After your treatment:
- Avoid sun exposure and use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen
- Redness and perifollicular edema (looks like a rash/bug bites) are common and resolve with time
- Bruising and swelling are less common but may occur and will resolve with time
- Hair may take up to 2 weeks to fall out
- Avoid heat – hot tubs, saunas, etc. for 1-2 days
- Avoid skin irritants (examples below) a few days post-treatment
Products containing tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc. - Do not wax or pluck between treatments
- Notify clinic of any concerns (blistering, excessive redness/swelling, etc.)
- Hair removal requires a series of treatments. The number of treatments depends on body location and type of hair.
- Consult with clinic about when to resume skin care regime.